I’ve been blogging online for more than a decade and between my full time job and blogging, I spend a lot of time on a computer. In my day-to-day life though, I’m actually very much a pen and paper person! My planner and to do lists are physical ones, I always use notebooks and desktop calendars for work and home, I love sending and receiving cards and I have way too many pens. :)
On that note, I was recently introduced to online printing service Gogoprint to try their printing services and I was so happy to take the opportunity to print some new name cards for City Girl, City Stories and some personalised stationery for myself, which I’ve been meaning to do for a while now!
For info, Gogoprint currently operates in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, specialising in offering easy and affordable online printing services, in addition to high-quality products, which I’m very happy with, after trying it out for myself!
There’s a wide variety of products offered on their website for printing, but I chose 3 types: name cards, greeting cards and notepads. I actually have an old set of name cards that I had printed years ago, but I’ve outgrown them and no longer use those. I’ve been meaning to get some new cards with a new design printed for a while now, so it was perfect timing when Gogoprint got in touch. :)

The ordering process is highly customisable and easy to navigate, you can see from my screenshots below some examples of how I customised my name card order, with a specific size of the card, to the rounded corners, to the paper type.

Another stationery product I’ve been eyeing for quite some time now is personalised stationery. I’ve always wanted a set of personalised cards with my name printed on them, which I could have on hand to write notes or to accompany gifts to others, it just looks great and is uniquely mine, you know? I love how these turned out! :)

Gogoprint also has this extremely useful proofing option where I could opt to approve an online proof first, before the product gets sent for printing, in case there might be any adjustments needed. The screenshot below shows the online proof of my personalised card, you can see that the system can detect potential issues and show the cutting line etc, all so useful to check, ensuring that anything that needs to be corrected is done before your product gets sent for printing.

My sister also chose to have some notepads printed, adding to the growing pile we already have! I enjoy using these for to do lists or scribbling quick notes and reminders for work, while my sister uses them to jot down ideas and notes from her endless pile of books and research as she navigates her studies. (*Do note that the to do list in the photo is not my real to do list haha! I did not include the boring stuff for the photo, because I’m sure no one cares about my pay card bill reminders!)
Other than the 3 items in my order, Gogoprint also prints calendars, stickers, postcards and much more! Everything is available at affordable prices and you can print in small or large batches (50 – 1000 pieces), which I think is so helpful, allowing you to order as much or as little you need!

The price of your order is quoted right after you customise your order, and additional prices are reflected to show how much your order could cost depending if you order more/less and when you would prefer to receive your order. (*Please note that prices are subjected to 7% GST.)

Overall, I had a great experience with Gogoprint and am happy with how all my ordered products turned out! If you need some personal or professional products printed, for yourself, for the office or for a small business, definitely do check out their website to explore and their Instagram page to see examples of products and designs they have printed. I hope that you’ll like your printed products as much as I like mine!
Note: The products I ordered were gifted from Gogoprint. This is not a paid post and all opinions are my own.

Gogoprint Singapore
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