Feature photo above by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
CityGirlCityStories.com turned SIX this month! :) At this six year blog anniversary, it’s really interesting to look back and reflect on the journey this blog has taken with me. :)
Some things have changed: the look of my site, better photos (I hope!) and moving from Hong Kong (where CGCS started!) to Singapore! I started this blog when I graduated university and now I’m trying to figure out my career. Some things have remained the same from the start: I’m still a city girl exploring and discovering the best things my city has to offer and then sharing about it! I still talk about cafes, museum exhibitions, books and a variety of lifestyle related topics that interest me and as always, I still take many snapshots of my food. ;)
These days, the social media landscape has changed drastically and it seems like when you get used to one thing, another new element pops up! I do agree that blogging has taken a backseat to newer and faster platforms, but I’m pretty old school in certain things, and I find myself still loving blogging and reading blogs, still loving having this little site of mine and its trove of memories to look back on. This is probably one of the things I’ve done the longest and I’m proud of it! :)
Every once in a while, I wonder to myself if I’ll run out of things I want to share or lose the passion for this hobby project, but I’ve surprised even myself to say that I’m still going strong. So I’m going to keep at it! For this year’s anniversary, I wanted to share a little bit about my blogging journey and how it all started! :)
Even though City Girl, City Stories was launched in October 2014, I’ve actually been blogging way before then (blogging was huge in the 2000s!). In terms of lifestyle blogging, I started my first steps into this a decade ago in 2010! Before there was City Girl, City Stories, I wrote a little blog called “Kylene Meets Hong Kong”. :) I spent half a year in Hong Kong in 2010 for an internship and I wanted a space to document it all. During that time, I also contributed as a guest blogger to lifestyle site Sassy Hong Kong (they were very new at the time and used to accept guest posts from bloggers)!
Running that blog brought me a lot of joy and even some interesting online connections. Speaking of, since I was writing this post, I opened my old blog for a trip down memory lane and despite some obvious changes (how young I was hahaha), I was delighted to find that at the core, I was interested in and blogging about similar stuff that I do now! 😄 I was visiting cat cafes, art exhibitions, themed restaurants, exploring Hong Kong and all the good stuff. It made me smile, looking back.
I think of that blog as the “prequel” to this one and even though my blog here is just one tiny site in a million on the Internet, it’s mine, you know? It contains my stories and my experiences and it still means a lot to me. :) CGCS is my creative outlet, my personal memory bank and my happy space all in one.
This post is a little virtual walk through of the last six years, join me? :)
With that said, thank you always for visiting and reading my blog, I hope it adds a little joy to your day and provides inspiration for things to check out and places to go. If you’ve been here a while, thank you for following my journey. Here’s to more city adventures!
P.S. Alongside the blog, you can find me on social media on my Instagram and Facebook! I also run a bookstagram for sharing good books and other bookish posts!
Tags : Blog Anniversary