Summer has arrived in Hong Kong and a lot of the time, the summer season makes me think of Singapore. Maybe it’s by association, because Singapore IS summer year round or maybe it’s because since coming to Hong Kong, I’ve taken trips back to my sunny hometown during the summer months.
It may seem funny, swapping a meltingly hot and humid summer here in Hong Kong for another humid city but Hong Kong in the summer is pretty unbearable, even for me!
This morning, my sister and I were talking about our school lives in Singapore (the Singapore education system by the way, not international schools) over breakfast and just reflecting and having a laugh over it.
So because it’s been on my mind (and also because I have not sorted a pile of photos from Lamma Island), here’s a few snapshots I wanted to share from colourful Boat Quay in Singapore, from last summer! :)
P.S. These photos are not edited at all and definitely #nofilter because I do not believe in filters. My point is: can you believe how clear the sky is over there? Amazing.